Spamkiss - The clear advantages:
Spamkiss starts where the Spam arises- with the Spammer himself
o It relieves those who now pay for spam - the provider and the recipient
The system is clear and easy to communicate
o No more "false positives"
o Mails cannot get lost unnoticed
The system is extremely flexible to changing privacy requirements
o Different User-defined settings are possible within one organization
o It is adoptable to changing needs
The administrative input will be reduced all together
o It helps to regain working time formerly wasted on repelling Spam
The system does not need to know the content of the message
o Privacy is respected at all times
o Even encrypted messages can be treated
The system is therefore an independent solution
o The system opens up maximum benefit for the organization or group using the system
without having to change one thing on the rest of the Internet
o It works independent of the Sender of an email and the Mail client used
Spam is rejected at the earliest possible point - before the data load has been transferred to the mailbox
o This reduces the total transfer volume and storage needs (free server capacity)
o Creates less traffic
o Saves band-width
All this saves time and money